What we can we do for you?

Exactly how much timber is on your land? What is it worth? How can you get the maximum price for it? When should you sell? Where are the best markets for selling?
By utilizing TimberCorp, you’ll know the answers to these questions. Our team of forestry experts is experienced and well trained to assist you.
Whether your goal is to sell and receive the absolute highest price possible, or to develop your forest for recreation, or a combination of these, you owe it to yourself to get the most out of your timberland.

Studies show that landowners who utilize a consultant receive as much as fifty percent greater return on their timber.
Other studies prove that a well-managed stand can grow timber three to five times more valuable than the same stand if left unmanaged.
For this reason, the earlier you contact your full-time timber management experts, the greater your pay-off will be.

TIMBER MARKETING – Our years of experience and knowledge of the marketplace enable us to locate the best markets for the sale of your timber. We will quickly be able to achieve results in getting full-market price.

Our timber marketing services include:
• Accurate appraisals
• Preparation of sales prospectus
• Solicitation for bids
• Preparation of sales contract
• Inspection of harvesting operations
• Coordination and supervision of reforestation

TIMBERLAND MANAGEMENT – Our foresters will manage your timberland to return to you the greatest level of satisfaction.
Our services in this area include improving and maintaining timber stands through proven scientific methods including herbicide treatments, growth analysis, thinning, insect and disease control, and reforestation.

TIMBERLAND APPRAISAL – TimberCorp is uniquely qualified for appraising timberland. Very few licensed certified general real estate appraisers are also licensed foresters. Through the appraisal services of TimberCorp, you can get a reliable estimate of the value of your land and your timber.

TIMBERLAND BROKERAGE – If you want to sell all or part of your timberland, TimberCorp can help. Through our real estate brokerage service, Timberland Sales, LLC, we work hard to make sure you get top dollar for your land. We will expose your land to as many potential buyers as possible, through our own extensive buyer’s list and by cooperating with other professional brokers throughout the country.
If you want to buy timberland, we can work as your agent to help you locate and assess timberland tracts to meet your needs.

LITIGATION SUPPORT – Our foresters provide expert witness testimony and litigation consulting services. We’ve helped both defense and plaintiffs in cases involving wrongful cutting, trespass,
damage appraisals, property partitions, boundary line disputes, mis-management, etc. We’ve testified in federal, state, and county courts and have worked in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

OTHER SERVICES – In addition to the activities outlined above, we offer a full range of other forestry services including:
• Timber inventories
• Growth studies
• Tax basis appraisals
• Wildlife management
• Forest investment counseling
• Land partitions
• Market research
• Reforestation
• Property inspections
• Computer mapping
• Lease negotiations

TimberCorp offers services to a broad geographic area, which routinely includes all of Mississippi and portions of Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas. We will travel to any location and have worked as far away as Alaska.

Our fee structure is flexible to best meet the needs of our clients. We offer a choice of pricing structures including hourly rates, a per-acre charge, a contract price, or a commission on sales and leases.

The forest is your most valuable renewable asset. Without proper management, many years of development may be needlessly wasted. With proper management and marketing, it will become one of your most productive assets. TimberCorp is ready to help you make these important decisions.

Licenses or certifications possessed by TimberCorp staff include:
• Registered Forester, States of Mississippi and Alabama
• State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
• Mississippi Real Estate Broker
• Certified Prescribe Burn Manager
• Certified Financial Services Counselor